My Basket

Make It Homely is a online retailer with the aim to make any space feel homely. 

Our ethos is simple. We want to give you plenty of choice to style your home without the price tag, and offer reliable pieces to make your house feel like home. We all deserve a little comfort and our homes are a reflection of who we are and what we value.


It’s pretty homely in our West Yorkshire HQ too. If the products are good enough for our team, that’s when we 
know we can showcase them to you! You might spot some pieces in our team’s homes also!

We pride ourselves on attentive customer service, seamless delivery, and a range of products to suit everyone. 
So, no matter your personal style or tastes, we have something to suit any person and any home.


Bringing quality at an affordable price

At Make It Homely, we’re all about offering quality, stylish and affordable products at reasonable prices. But that doesn’t mean that we’re scrimping on quality, as we’ve carefully curated our collection to ensure you get on-trend pieces that will last.

From us, delivered straight to you

Enjoy our seamless, affordable service that runs from our Make It Homely warehouse straight to your door. We want to save on time without scrimping on quality! Our customers come first and it’s a priority of ours to make sure you’re fully satisfied with your goods.