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Manufacturer's Guarantee

Manufacturer's Guarantee

We are confident that you will fall in love with your Make It Homely furniture item at first sight! We offer a manufacturer's guarantee on each product we sell online for peace of mind.

Make It Homely Guarantee

Here at Make It Homely, we pride ourselves on being a trustworthy retailer of high-quality products. To give you peace of mind here's some information about our manufacturer's guarantee:

  • Unless otherwise stated in the product description, the five-year guarantee is provided with each product
  • Ensure all labels are intact and not removed, as this may void the warranty.
  • This guarantee covers defects in materials and craftsmanship in the components of a Make It Homely product during everyday domestic use only.
  • This guarantee is in accordance with Make It Homely Terms and Conditions and the law.

Important information about the Manufacturer's Guarantee

If you believe that you have identified a manufacturing fault and that the product is subject to the Make It Homely guarantee, you must report the fault within 30 days from the delivery date. You will have the option to receive a refund for the price of the faulty product and, if applicable, any shipping charges paid for this product.

Unless advised otherwise, goods may also be eligible for collection. If we confirm that the product has a manufacturing fault and is hence covered by this guarantee, at our sole discretion, we have the right to:

  • Replace parts rather than the entire product where applicable
  • Replace the defective product with the same product or, if discontinued, the closest possible alternative
  • Pay the costs of postage and return
  • Ship the replacement parts or the replaced product back to you
  • If you accept a discount due to a minor fault, you will void the right to return due to this issue
  • Make It Homely will endeavour to organise replacements where required as quickly as possible, but customers should be aware of potential delays if third party suppliers need further instructions

Frequently asked questions

What does the Guarantee cover?

This guarantee covers defects in materials and craftsmanship in the components of a Make It Homely product during regular domestic use only.

What doesn’t the Guarantee cover/when does it become void?

The guarantee is void if the product is found to have been mistreated/damaged; this includes; splits, burns, breakages, spillage and stains.

This also applies if the product has not been maintained/cared for per the care instructions advised. This includes failing to use furniture pads on non carpeted surfaces or any other product use other than for everyday domestic purposes.

Our product pages describe and display the product as accurately as possible. Please note that the device's resolution, colour settings, and other characteristics where the product page is viewed may cause the product to look slightly different online than in reality.

Unfortunately, the guarantee is made void for any product that has been altered. This includes all products, but an example of one being ‘altered’ would be a dining table with a hole drilled through it.

The guarantee is also void for products sold by a reseller, used by someone other than the owner making a claim, or any product sold “as-is”, “preconditioned”, “reconditioned”, “used”, “returned”, “previously owned”, or any other similar wording indicating that the product is not “new”.

What else is considered mistreatment of a product?

This would include overloading products until the product splits or breaks, such as a bookcase or storage console. Overloading may also cause distortion or damage to any drawers used and may also cause them to jam. We would recommend that you not overload products, increasing the risk of potential breakage to the product.

When does the Guarantee start and finish?

The guarantee starts on the product's delivery date and finishes at the end of the 5th year from that date. All damage must be reported within 24 hours of occurrence. Failure to do so will result in you being unable to claim your five-year guarantee. Please do not dispose of the item until we have accepted or declined your claim according to our manufacturer's guarantee terms.

What do I need to make a claim?

Most, or all of the following, are requested to make a claim: images/videos showing the defect, measurement of indentations/sags, the weight of product user(s), claimant name and address, order number and a complete description of the complaint.

Please visit our Contact Us page to make a claim.

What happens if the Guarantee does not cover the product?

If the guarantee does not cover the product, we will ask you if you would like a replacement product sent to you (at your cost) or if you would like us to handle its disposal (at your cost).